
6 Ways to Deepen Your Prayer Life

In this fast-paced and often chaotic world, it is paramount for Christians to strengthen their prayer life. Prayer is not a mere religious obligation but a powerful means to build an intimate relationship with God, seek guidance, and find solace in times of despair. However, many of us (present company included) struggle to enhance their prayer life. Here are some insights and practical tips to help you embark on a transformative journey toward a more profound and meaningful connection with God through prayer

1. Discover the Importance of Prayer:

Understanding the significance of prayer serves as the foundation for enhancing your prayer life. Recognize prayer as a direct line of communication with your Heavenly Father, enabling you to cast your worries, express gratitude, and seek divine intervention. By comprehending its significance, you will be motivated to invest dedicated time and effort in nurturing your prayer life. Bottom line: we spend time on the things we deem most important.

2. Establish a Sacred Space:

Creating a designated space and time for prayer can help you cultivate a focused and peaceful environment. This could be a corner of your home, a specific room, or even an outdoor sanctuary where you can disconnect from distractions and devote your undivided attention to communing with God. Because I live in the south, we have nice weather for about three-quarters of the year. My back porch is a great place for me to sit and connect with God. It also removes me from the clutter that can be indoors.

3. Develop a Consistent Prayer Routine:

Just as consistency breeds excellence, establishing a daily prayer routine is fundamental to enhancing your prayer life. Set aside a fixed time each day, preferably in the morning, to align yourself with God’s presence. Consistency builds discipline, deepens your faith, and allows you to navigate through life with a renewed sense of purpose. While I’m not necessarily a “morning person”, I choose mornings because it helps set my mindset for the day.

4. Embrace Various Forms of Prayer:

Prayer is a versatile medium, comprising many different forms. Experiment with and incorporate various prayers – adoration, confession, thanksgiving, supplication, intercession – into your routine. Each form brings unique benefits and adds depth to your communication with God. I have a special group of friends I pray for on Wednesday mornings. It’s part of my routine and I intercede on their behalf. In the morning i step out of bed and hit my knees for about 30 seconds and thank God for who he is and ask him to lead me and my family that day. These are small ways of being versatile with your prayers.

5. Engage in Bible Study:

The Bible serves as a rich source of inspiration, divine wisdom and prayers. Explore scripture passages related to prayer, meditate on their profound meanings, and integrate their teachings into your prayer life. This practice will deepen your understanding of God and will enable you to pray more effectively, aligning your desires with His purpose.

6. Embrace the Power of Silence:

Amidst the busyness of life, it can be challenging to find moments of pure silence. However, creating space for silence in your prayers fosters contemplation and allows you to hear God’s gentle whispers and guidance. Embrace the stillness, silencing external distractions, and quieting your mind during prayer.

Strengthening your Christian prayer life is a transformative journey that requires dedication, persistence, and a hunger for a deeper relationship with God. By understanding the importance of prayer, creating a consistent routine, embracing various forms of prayer, and immersing yourself in scripture, you can unlock the true potential of prayer in your life. Embrace this journey, knowing that God eagerly awaits your heartfelt connection, ready to reveal His purpose and pour out His blessings upon you.

Spensha Baker

Recording artist Spensha Baker is breaking barriers in the music industry, with a genre-defying sound infused with gospel roots. In Season 14 of The Voice, on Team Blake, she was the first African-American country singer to make it to the Top 4. Her songs from the show consistently landed in the top 10 on iTunes, with her rendition of original song, Old Soul, hitting #1 on the Country Charts and #3 on overall charts.

A performer since the age of six, Spensha got her start in gospel music, making appearances on Christian Artist Talent Search and Star Search, before signing with Geffen Records to release her debut album, “Outloud!” at the age of 15. With both of her parents being prior military veterans, Spensha spent most of her childhood moving constantly to different military bases developing a strong and committed love for GOD and Country.

These days you can find her in sports arenas across the country singing our nations song and traveling from all over Texas to Nashville leading churches and congregations in worship and working on an upcoming music project. 

Kelly Minter

Kelly Minter is passionate about teaching the Word of God. When she’s not singing, writing, or speaking, you can find her picking homegrown vegetables with her six nieces and nephews or riding a boat along the Amazon river with Justice & Mercy International. A Southern transplant, she delights in college football, long walks, and a diner mug full of her favorite Justice Blend coffee.

Lindsay Mattingly

Lindsay has been traveling since she was little and has set foot in 34 countries – and can’t wait to visit more! She’s a twin, she married her handsome booking agent, and now she’s a boy mom who loves homeschooling, songwriting, and editing (what?!). And like a true Texan, she wouldn’t dare turn down a scoop of Bluebell ice cream – peppermint, please. 

Teasi Cannon

Teasi Cannon is an author, speaker, and lifelong learner who is passionate about helping others cultivate a sound and enduring devotion to Jesus. Teasi holds a B.S. in Interdisciplinary Studies from Middle Tennessee State University School of Education and Behavioral Science, an M.A. in Pastoral Counseling from Liberty Theological Seminary, and is pursuing a certificate in Christian Apologetics from Southern Evangelical Seminary. When she’s not spending time with family, you can most often find her sitting in her favorite spot on the couch with a book (preferably hard copy) in one hand and a hot mug of coffee in the other. Teasi lives south of Nashville, Tennessee with her husband and best friend Bill. They have three amazing children who all grew up far too quickly, a wonderful son- and daughter-in-love, and the most precious grandchildren the world has ever seen. For more about Teasi and her books, check out her website at .

Sarah Schmidt

Sarah is a native Nashvillian and a full-time momma/champion of her family. In her free time, she enjoys hosting, gardening, taking walks with her pup, and cheering on her kids in their various sports and activities.  Her past career experiences and heart are to minister to women in crisis; crisis pregnancy, women’s shelters, and adoption ministry.

Lindsay McCaul

Born deep in the heart of Texas, Lindsay McCaul Mattingly grew up singing harmony with the Gaither Vocal Band…cassette tapes, every Sunday driving to and from church. A love of music and the arts was instilled in her by her USAF Colonel father and watercolor artist mother, and as a preteen she began writing songs as she learned to play her dad’s old guitar.

Since graduating from the Moody Bible Institute with a degree in Applied Linguistics, Lindsay has released two albums (If It Leads Me Back, One More Step), and toured extensively with respected artists including Casting Crowns, Mathew West, Sanctus Real, The Afters, Brandon Heath, and Mandisa, among others. Although she isn’t (yet!) using her degree to translate the Bible into another language, Lindsay counts it one of the greatest privileges of life to get to “translate” the Bible into songs and link arms with others worshipping the Jesus who changed her life.

Lindsay has been leading worship for over twenty years beginning in college, continuing as a founding member of Vertical Worship, and now regularly leading at her home church, Fellowship Bible Church, in Brentwood, Tennessee, and as a part of Fellowship Songs. In addition, Lindsay tours with Aspire Women’s Conferences. She loves being a wife to her husband, Mark, and a mom to her two sons, Malachi (7) and Ezekiel (4).

Heather Cartee

Heather Cartee is a communicator, Bible teacher, author and founder of the Behold Women’s Gathering. God awakened a love for His word during her in college years where she found truth and community with disciple makers and mentors. She entered college believing she’d go on to become a physician, but by the time college was over, life had totally shifted course and she found herself in ministry alongside her husband. The following years were filled with days on the road, starting a sales business, four sons and then homeschooling. But all along, the winding and wild journey never strayed from a desire to worship Jesus and to teach his word. As more and more opportunities came from within the local church, God ignited in her a fresh desire to encourage and inspire women to find their identity by seeking Christ and serving others. She founded Behold Ministries and works to see women grow and thrive in Jesus. She speaks at conferences, Bible studies and with her husband at Family Life’s Weekend to Remember Marriage conferences. Her own story of discovering healing, value and purpose in Christ is what gives her passion to speak, write and gather women, so they can behold him too and see for themselves that beholding Jesus changes everything.

Eileen Pankake

Eileen is a creative with an eye for detail.  She loves working in her garden, baking, and spending quality time with her friends.  Outdoor time, travel and her family top her list of favorites. Their family’s goal is to visit all 50 states by the time their youngest graduates from high school. So far they’ve hit 33.

April Cushman

Born and raised in Fort Worth, Texas, April Geesbreght (pronounced JEZ-bray) Cushman has been writing songs since she could make a joyful noise. Trusting Jesus at a young age, April served in church and on worship teams throughout her youth. April moved to Nashville, TN in 2010 and landed her first publishing deal writing pop + country songs for Sony ATV. The Lord called her back to worship in 2019, moments after her father passed away. April’s journey of physical pain, anxiety and grief, is now a story of hope, healing, assurance, freedom, and joy as she testifies to what the Lord has done. Moved and called to tell others of her journey in Christ and the Lord’s faithfulness April wrote and released an album in April of 2023 titled “Deep Waters” [available on all music platforms- under the name April Geesbreght].